• Question: Why is there such hatred towards Black people? * How did it become politically correct to exclude Black people? * Where are the Black leaders? * Is America now or has it ever been a color-blind society? * Should Congress repay Black families the $50 million stolen from the Freedman’s Banks? * Should Black people ally with liberals or conservatives? * What steps should Black people immediately take to become a self-sufficient and economically competitive group in America?

    Asked by on 24 Oct 2022. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Anthony O'Connor

      Anthony O'Connor answered on 24 Oct 2022:

      Lots of questions here but I will try to answer a few!
      Why is there such hatred towards Black people? We have to try and put this into the context of hatred by whom, but a simple answer is because of ignorance, misconceptions and prejudice.
      How did it become politically correct to exclude Black people? It is never politically correct to exclude Black people
      Where are the Black leaders? All over the world – Check out leaders in Africa and the Caribbean
      Should Black people ally with liberals or conservatives? Black people should ally with people who have their best interests at heart
